Monday, June 25, 2012

Where is Jazz Today?

Jazz was once the most popular music in America.  For years, it was the hippest, hottest, coolest music to listen to.  Think of hip hop today.  Hip hop is the most current, most relevant music of the majority of our youth.  Hip hop permeates television commercials, kids shows, prime time television and basically every aspect of today's media.  Although you might think of jazz as "old people's music", it was once THE music of America's youth.

In the 1950s and 1960s, rock replaced jazz as the music of America's youth.  Today, it can be argued that rock is going down the same road: hip-hop is outpacing its popularity.  But jazz is still here -- it lives on in today's hip hop and rock, and even today remains in "purer" forms through the music of such artists as Nora Jones.  It is ironic that jazz -- the only music that we can call exclusively American  -- is much more popular overseas than it is at home in the U.S.

Students, read the following articles about the future of jazz and post below (in 2-3 complete sentences) your thoughts on the future of jazz in America and the world.  Do you think rock will go the way of jazz?

"Where is Jazz Today? Right Where It "Aught" To Be!" by Victor Magnani
"Where is Jazz Today?" by Jeremy Shepard
"Rock is the New Jazz. Sorry, Rock." by Will Layman
"A 'Dear John' Letter to Jazz: To Hell with Loving You" by Will Layman

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